The BEST is Yet to Come

2 min readOct 6, 2020

The BEST is yet to come, having been exploring years in the crypto world, we have been thinking of the future of DEX for a long period of time, as believers of decentralization, we wanna figure out one way to stand out of the crowd. So, we began to dream it out first.

In our picture, a swap should be a solid business first, which will never change. No matter it is centralized or decentralized, there will be unchangeable matter, and this does matter most to us. However, most of the swaps forgot about this, they are focusing on something that changed fast. 99.99% of swaps will fail, only someone who follows the principles will last long. Also, swaps need a sharp different user-friendly product and there are a lot of mistakes that might be making too.

Almost 90% of swaps are faking to build something and the other 10% are super passionate about assets. Especially today, this way didn't work before and won’t work right now. To be a real swap, you better have a useable product, but most failed to do so. You need choose the right public chain and improve the front-end experience. Uniswap is simple but still sucks in this way.

Last but not the least, the token model needs pretty solid and attractive. This seems easy, but super challenging, easy does not mean a small amount of work. Actually, a solid model is rare. We see the failure of Sushi, the challenging part is solid first, which makes the whole economy workable and sustainable,
Almost half of the token models of swaps suck, although they seem very interesting at first sight, and if you only are solid but without innovation design, this requires you got a pretty strong team and community. An attractive token model has to be innovative, but innovation is not the whole story.

The only way is making the community like the model, and keep surprising them.

Most of most, you need great governance and community, no need to speak too much, this is the backbone. Uniswap, not bad. Sushi, better now. Most of the swaps ignore the most important part. We are creating a decentralized thing, not only a company. So, breathe with your community and live with your community.

We wanna make a little bit change. We are Bestswap, the first swap in Asia, now redesigned on Binance Smart Chain. Launching our genesis yield farming soon.

Join our community and make all surprised,the BEST is yet to come!

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